December is FLUSH with Holiday Workshops, Shows, Open Studio's and Registration for Spring Semester. We invite you to join in on the holiday festivities and workshops.
Click here for or more information on Spring Semester, which begins on January 14.
Here are some important December Activity links:
Dec 1 - 2 Art Demonstrations at The Middletown Arts Center
Coming right off the 85th Anniversary Art Show and Sale are a series of art demonstrations and lectures to be held at the Middletown Arts Center. On Saturday Dec 1, from 11am - 1pm, Mark Romanoski will demonstrate techniques in fantasry painting and speak about the field of comics and sci-fi fantasy art. From 2 - 4pm, Peter Caras will speak about his career as one of the state's most notable illustration artists, who mentored under Norman Rockwell. Click here or here for more information.
Dec 2 - Miniature Show and Sale at duCret, 2pm - 4pm
Every year duCret students host a holiday art show and sale, held in the auditorium at duCret. On Sunday, Dec. 2nd, from 2 - 4pm, come visit duCret students, faculty members and enjoy an atmosphere of music, original art for sale and refreshments. Click here for more show details.
Dec 6 - Annual Spaghetti Dinner at duCret, 6pm - 8pm
Each year duCret hosts a Spaghetti Dinner for family and friends of duCret to be held in the auditorium at duCret. The dinner acts as a fund raiser for student activities, and features music and sale items from the miniature show, which are on view and can be purchased at this time. This year the dinner is on Thursday, Dec 6, from 6pm - 8pm. Adults: $8.00 / Kids under 12 yrs: $4.00, pay right at the door. (No need to RSVP)
Dec 8 & 15 - Holiday Ceramics Workshops for Children & Senior Citizens at duCret
Each year the Ceramics Studio at duCret hosts a two Saturday Special Holiday Workshop where individuals can come in and design, create and glaze their own ceramic holiday gifts. This year there are two separate Saturday workshops - Kids & Teens and Senior Citizens. Click here for dates, time and more details.
Dec 9 - Cultural Demonstrations and Performances at duCret
Watch cultural demonstrations and performances and interact with artists from across the state. Dance a rumba with Yesenia Selier, make World Music Magic with Gina Ferrera, bring your family to participate in hands on arts activities with Liz Lopez, learn about the Caribbean drums, song and dance, see images, film, art and demonstrations. Free and open to the public, donations are appreciated. To be held at duCret School of Art, 1030 Central Avenue, Plainfield NJ. Click here for dates, times and show details.
Dec 15 - Art Demonstration at The Middletown Arts Center
On Saturday, Dec 15, from 1pm - 3pm, Leslie Delgyer will demonstrate her pastel techniques in animal art and speak about her career path as a wildlife activist and artist. This demonstration will be held at the Middletown Arts Center. Click here for more information.
Dec 21 - Registration for Spring Semester BEGINS - Fall Semester Closes
Though students can take a mid-winter break, the school's administrative offices remain open at this time to receive in applications and interviews for Spring Semester. Interested individuals can contact the office between 9am - 4pm, Mon - Fri at 908-757-7171 to schedule an appointment. Please review application policies here.
December Open Studio Dates at duCret - Saturday Morning Ceramics will run on Dec. 1 and 22nd. Tues. Portrait Open Studio and Takimu is closed thru December. Wed. Figure Open Studio's last session will be on Dec 5th. All Open Studio's will resume in Spring Semester. Dates TBA.